Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Gosple according to Eddie Vedder.

Ok...I must confess. I'm a Pearl Jam fanatic. Have been since I heard the opening riff from alive as a 9th grader. I have just about every live and import cd available as well as some excellent book leg recordings of local shows. Don't hate!

I picked up their latest album, Backspacer, a while back and have been enjoying it ever since. As I was tuning into Vedder's lyrics I was captured by the undeniable echo's of the Gospel that are present. One song in particular, The Fixer, immediately caught my attention with it's articulation of a savior figure who fixes what's wrong. Here are some of the lyrics...

When somethings dark, let me shed a little light on it
When somethings cold, let me put a little fire on it
If somethings old, I wanna put a bit of shine on it
When somethings gone, I wanna fight to get it back again

When somethings broke, I wanna put a bit of fixin on it
When somethings bored, I wanna put a little exciting on it
If somethings low, I wanna put a little high on it
When somethings lost, I wanna fight to get it back again

When signals cross, I wanna put a little straight on it
If theres no love, I wanna try to love again

I’ll say your prayers, I’ll take your side
I'll find us a way to make light

These lyrics clearly represent somebody who sees what's wrong in the world and wants to make it better. The story of redemption is written on our hearts and we can not escape it's attraction. I don't think Vedder wrote these words about Jesus. But he did write them about somebody who wants to put things back the way they ought to be. That's certainly Jesus' gig.

Everytime I listen to this song, I am reminded of the words written down in Revelation 21:4-5
"He (Jesus) will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"

Jesus, the great fixer. That's what Easter is all about. Jesus is fixing the world, killing death, and saving what has been lost.

LINK to video for The Fixer. Enjoy!

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